Andres Otalora finds inspiration for the Fall/ Winter 2023 season in one of Colombia’s greatest and oldest legends: The myth of El Dorado. The indigenous Golden city sought after by Spaniard explorers for centuries. Legend has it El Dorado still lies within the mountainous valleys of Colombia. Thought to be located in Guatavita lake, where the Muisca Tribe held a golden clad ceremony every time a leader was to take the throne. The new leader, or Zipa, would stand on a small boat at the centre of the lake, his body covered head to toe in gold ornamentation, skin painted with golden dust, while his subjects would throw gold pieces, jewellery, vases and figurines into the lake as offerings to the gods, wishing the new leader a good reign.
This collection nods to this ceremonious occasion and the beautifully intricate gold work of Colombian tribes that forged this precious metal, making one of a kind, priceless pieces that now a days lie within museum walls, telling the stories of indigenous artists for centuries to come.
Explore the Andres Otalora collection in store and online now.